Your Rights and Responsibility

Patients’ Bill of Rights

Every patient retains his or her rights as provided by state and federal law. In addition, the patient has the right:

– To recognition, respect and dignity as an individual.

To a humane living environment that affords reasonable protection from harm in a safe environment and affords reasonable privacy.

– To be free from abuse or neglect and to report abuse without being punished.

– To wear his or her own clothing.

– To a private storage area and access to it.

– To impartial access to treatment, regardless of race, religion, sex, ethnicity, age or handicap.

– To know of available alternative treatments.

– To be treated under the least restrictive conditions and not be subjected to unnecessary physical restraint and isolation.

– To be informed of the facility’s rules and regulations regarding his or her conduct.

– To be visited by his or her family or significant others. Private areas to visit will be available unless the treatment team decides private visits would be non-therapeutic and documents this in the patient’s chart.

– To freely choose how to spend his or her money.

– To participate in decisions concerning the practical reasons for limitation of visitors, telephone calls or other communication.

– To participate in his or her plans for individualized treatment and discharge, explained in terms that the patient can understand.

– To periodic review of his or her individualized treatment plan.

– To be informed of benefits, possible side effects and risks of medications and treatment procedures.

– To receive medication only for his or her clinical needs.

– To not receive services without informed consent except in a medical emergency or as otherwise permitted by law.

– To decline medication and treatment to the extent permitted by law, and to be informed of the medical consequences of his or her actions.

– To continuity of care, including appropriate follow-up are planned and initiated at the time of discharge.

– To share advance directives for his or her care in the case of future serious medical or psychiatric illness and to be able to request information if needed.

– To be affiliated with and have access to the clergy of the religious denomination of his or her choice unless the treatment team decides this would be non-therapeutic and documents this in the patient’s chart.

– To access his or her medical health records upon approval from the treatment team.

– To confidentiality of his or her medical health records.

– To assign a designated person or for a legally authorized person to receive information concerning his or her medical health records.

– To receive information in his or her preferred language.

– To have after-hour telephone number post procedure.

– To be aware of the cost of service and payment options.

– To assert grievances regarding the infringement of rights described in this document and to have those grievances considered in a fair, timely, and impartial grievance procedure.

– To exercise the rights specified in this document without any form of reprisal or punishment.


The patient has the responsibility:

– Provide complete and accurate information to the best of his/her ability about his/her health, any medications, including over-the-counter products and dietary supplements, and any allergies or sensitivities.

– Follow the treatment plan prescribed by his/her provider and participate in his/her care.

– Provide a responsible adult to transport him/her home from the facility and remain with him/her for 24 hours, if required by his/her provider.

– Accept personal financial responsibility for any charges not covered by his/her insurance.

– Behave respectfully toward all the health care professionals and staff, as well as other patients.


If you have any comments or concerns, please feel free to contact our Director of Nursing at 520-335-8450 or mail at:

150 S. Coronado Dr. Suite 100 , Sierra Vista AZ 85635


You can also contact the Office of the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman (MBO) at:

or call 1-800-633-4227